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Ministry Calling

ATS Theological Forum
“The time that will be given to His vineyard will never be wasted for every hard work is not vain.” These are the powerful words that pushed my spirit to embrace the ministry at the very young age. This thought reminds me that God loves seeing His children serving him. Although we cannot add nor take anything that cause Him to love us more, not even how little the time we can offer, because He loves us constantly and this will never change. However, it would still be more meaningful if we serve and obey.

New Testament Class 
After graduation, God led me to work in a Christian NGO. I applied there as a Telephone Counselor. Fortunately, I was hired, inside the counseling center I have worked with excellent colleagues. This job actually confirmed my calling to pursue any counseling profession at the near future. After I handled several counseling cases for the past three years of experience, I have realized that counseling is a good way to remind oneself that the more we confront the problem, using the light of His word, the stronger and wiser we became. Prior to this, I also became a peer counselor in our university and sometimes I also handled counseling sessions with people in our church. It made me think that this humble task is not just another area of ministry, but also if this gift is fully dedicated and offered to God it will be certainly a platform to showcase His glory.

Presently, I am involved in the Family Ministry, where I am working hand in hand with our Pastors to organize simple talks or seminars that would strengthen the relationship and communication among family members. I also serve as one of the assistants in Church Administration Department where I can help the team to oversee events, gatherings, and even other discipleship tasks. Last 2012, I received a calling to take this counseling ministry into a higher and greater circle. Then I was sent for a short-term missions in Thailand, as I beginning to see a real hunger in the hearts of the people of Hindu Nations. I believe that at this season the Lord is calling me to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the young people in Asia. I sensed nowadays the need for spiritual mentors among these new set of young people. I see the tenacity in their heart and this motivates me to venture this new ministerial task. I know that counseling will do a great help for certain life issues and a platform to proclaim Jesus to a weary heart.
Christian Counseling Class 

 The plan and desire to further this Counseling profession was developed by time and inspired by God and those people who became an instrument for me to focus on this craft. The joy overflows whenever I am practicing this field of ministry, I prayed and asked God for His continuous revelation. Thus, enrolling at Asian Theological Seminary is truly a confirmation of my calling. A room for improvement is all I need, by faith and God’s intervention, yes, it is I who chose, but certainly it is God who can only approve.

Currently, I don’t yet have plans to go out and leave my country until I finish the tasks in which the Lord requires of me. Having said this truth, I will definitely stick on this idea. But for now, I will make this nation my best priority with this God given ability. The desire to serve was strengthened by the revelation to seek the lost and usher them back to Christ. 

My Victory Group
My calling is to serve and follow the word of God in my life. I am sure that I can make all the tasks which God has entrusted me, and as far as where He leads, as long as I depend on His strength. The passion for souls gave me so much encouragement to be more serious in everything I do. I will continue to help my local church because it is a pleasure to serve and help the people who prayed and hoped with me in this endeavor. The plan to share all the knowledge and experience I gained in this study is always an active priority. With all honesty, I resolved to dedicate my time and skills to the place where God has planted and nurture me. Moreover I will always be thankful that God has blessed me far beyond what I could ever deserved by allowing me to study and enhance the gift he has given me. Therefore, I always pray that he will also accomplish through me far beyond  what I could ever achieved, as one of the best Counselors I could ever be in the place where God has called me.


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