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My Grad School Experience

Why graduate school?

Simply stated, I am just one of those people who loves learning. With lifelong passion for service and learning, pursuing a master's degree is impossible for me during college, although it is a dream, but I always think to step once at a time. It could bring a high impact on my career afterwards, though it may not necessarily an important factor but of course one has also to consider the financial side of it. However, I decided I was ready for challenge to pursue my interest in a more in-depth way.  Thankfully, after I resign from work, my father supported my schooling and then I was granted a scholarship after my first semester, and here's how I see the hands of God move and His blessing on my chosen path. 

How did you find the right program for you?

I would say that academy is my second home, after graduating college, I immediately work as a Telephone counselor at The 700 Club Asia. I kept on hearing a saying that the “only way to do great work is to love what you do and do what you love.” After three years, I resign from work to do masters. I look for good school in Christian Counseling and here I found Asian Theological Seminary, so I took an entrance exam, and fortunately I passed. The program I choose was not only my passion but also balance the opportunity to serve in the ministry and to build the career that is delightful to have. The night classes and weekend schedule, support from a close-knit academic community made it a right choice.

How does it compare to your undergrad experience?

I would say that master’s degree students are expected to contribute during class time; this is a major component of how professors feel about you, talk with you, and treat you.

You move from theory to the real-world applications. In traditional undergraduate courses, students are typically younger and don’t have professional work experience or connections. My undergraduate experience refined my self-discipline and gave me the ability to become a more reflective thinker. These qualities have become massively important as I continue to navigate my graduate experience especially in my counseling program.

What has been the most challenging or surprising?

What is good about my school is that it is interdenominational, multicultural theological institution that equips the students with an in-depth biblical learning and be an effective servant not only in the church but also in society and the world. Through the counseling program, I find myself taking on a global perspective toward education, feeling inspired to create change beyond the four walls of my classroom. Time management and accountability has something to do in the way things should be handled. There are so many new experiences and new people, it’s easy to underestimate the amount of time you need to set aside to excel in your studies and to keep them a priority and yet the successful key is to be flexible with everything that takes place. 

What advice can you offer to other (would-be) graduate students?

Pursuing a higher degree is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself. Take all your learning into your heart not only in your head. Read, not only the required readings but also the supplemental materials that you need for your chosen craft. It is all worth it! Treat it as an investment and expect to get out as much as you are willing to put in. When times get tough, remember that your journey isn’t totally in isolation. My advice to other graduate students would be to work hard, you'll need to learn how to network like a pro by honing your "people skills” and "time management". 

Batch 2014


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