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Ready or Not?

Perhaps you're wanting to start a new ministry, perhaps you're wanting to apply to another job or perhaps you wanted to get serious with someone you really like. Whatever it may be, there are seasons that God may tell us we are not ready but then later on, He will let us know when we are ready. These are my common realizations in the waiting as I traced God's way of telling me or encouraging me to do something new or start stepping into the unfamiliar place. If you're one of my closest, you know that I'm the type of person who won't do something if I know I'm not ready, or I didn't prepare myself for it. That's why I think carefully before writing this piece, because we have different personalities, levels of spiritual discernment, and of course God can speak to us in various ways. These realizations I share are based on my own experience, discernment, and meditation of The Word in connection of some events in the past where I strongly sensed God tel
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Love Not Nails

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You Prepare a Table Before Me

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The Tension between What we Believe and What we actually Experience: amidst of this COVID-19 Pandemic

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